Learn to detect human emotions on the face. Learn to tell politicians and/or business man telling lies through body movement, freudian slips, text and voice analysis and many more.
no... i'm not dead... i'm just very busy... also i need to review my knowledge a little bit. It's crucial if you want to learn to read expression to practice. Either by viewing videos like i do or just walking around and watch people as they walk by.
It's about time to give you reference to the books that i used to learn:
- Facial Action Coding System (FACS CD) <-- A must for Micro expression Training - Emotions Revealed <-- PDF of Dr. Paul Ekman's book - Unmasking the Face <-- Also a PDF of Dr. Paul Ekman's book - Telling Lies <-- Also a PDF of Dr. Paul Ekman's book - Frogs Into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming <-- A PDF of a book by Richard BandlerAlso8.
The Truth About Liars <-- (A documentary about how and why people lie) - hope you have good Internet connection.
I found a very nice article on how to detect lies. I will eventually get to making my own article about this... unfortunately I'm very busy at the moment so you'll have to wait.
It's a good time for me :) i've got a lot to do.... people ar starting to ask for my help and i have enough time and good will to help them
A friend asked me to do a analysis on lady gaga. To be more precise she wanted me to see if she was lying when she said that she had a harbl.
The part that we are interested in starts around 00:06:00 .
1) 00:06:17 / there a lot of thinks happening before this moment but this is very important because it's her reaction regarding the important question(are you a man?). It's a mix expression. It's obviously a fake smile, she is masking disgust. Also it's important to notice that she is holding something between herself and Jonathan. It's a interview and we have to remember that she probably knew what she was going to be asked. And it's clear it's something she is not comfortable about. Maybe that's the reason why she look a little off. /
2) 00:06:28 / again her face show disgust. her lower lips is pushed up. /
I can't tell you if she is lying or telling the truth but i can tell you that she is deeply disgusted by the idea and she is trying to mask for feelings.
I actually can't find any more emotions on her. I have 3 interviews:
1) the first is the above and beside the part that i told you about there's nothing interesting. She seems that she doesn't know on what planet she's on but that is my feeling about her(so it doesn't count)
2) the second one is with an old granny and i never seen a face that doesn't show no emotion... maybe a little bit of contempt but i am not sure: the video and the contempt:
3) a very interesting video where she is brown :) but she is very relaxed and open so no emotions there... maybe a true smile and happiness but nothing else. Here is the link
I haven't finished but i have to dig up more videos.
I've got four videos from why we protest. This is the first one... and it's divided into 9 parts. I have a lot of work to do but it's ok considering i'm doing something good with my new learned skill.
First of all we have to take into account that this is a interview. If you know something about television it's that nothing is what is seems to be. They probably discussed what the question were going to be. The interviewee had enough time to prepare appropriate answer's and if it's the case rehears and analyze his feelings about the subject. So it should be pretty hard to tell if he is lying about a particular point.
When you start talking with someone his and your body position is very important. Every little detail in you posture, where and how your hands are, your facial expression(as you hear the other person talk), your breathing can give an observer some clue about what you are feeling. Bought of them are keeping they're hand's crossed as a shield. It can first of all mean that they're mirroring each other. It's common plus they had a few minutes to talk about before the show began. The reporter is wiggling his big fingers meaning that he is pretty relaxed and confident. David on the other hand is listening very close and keep's his hand's still.
1) 00:00:30 / a false smile. they're two feelings mixed here. He is sad about(or disgusted) about the death of Hubard but he is trying to smile because that's appropriate /
2) 00:00:54 / contempt at the thought that there is controversy surrounding Scientology (bad or good publicity is publicity)/
3) 00:01:01 / he is looking down and to the left meaning Internal Dialog /
4) 00:01:22 / false smile and he is looking down and to the left the same as before /
5) 00:01:45 / a very important moment when we see bought of them. the reporter is very confident. he is holding his hand's in a very upright position(much like people in chard do when talking to someone inferior) while David is holding his hand close to him and very thing much like a personal shield between him and the rest of the world /
6) 00:02:04 / there are a few more expression that i skipped over but this moment is important because David after having a long dialog and remembering something funny about the source of this fact(bad thing about the church) is feeling confident and crosses his fingers. this is a very powerful gesture from someone/
7) 00:02:15 / David left hand is covering by his right hand... it's a manipulator(he is manipulating something with his hands) this is a sign that he is nervous about the fact that there are critical talking about the church/
8) 00:02:26 / it's all about the context. i shouldn't be bias but i can't help it. there isn't a clear sign that will tell you that someone is lying but his expression says it all. the reporter asked if the people are afraid and he is contempt about the people in question... in my opinion he is lying his ass of /
9) 00:02:57 / i have shown this body gesture before. i don't think that he has problem hearing what the reporter is saying, rater it is very important for him everything regarding this subject/
If you want you can point out the one's that i didn't show until the end of the video. There are a lot more facial expression and/or body movement along the video that i didn't point out because they're normal for a conversation.
I should take a minute to tell you why i haven't been that active lately. I just finished putting on my dental braces and it took me a while before i got use to them. Also i've started working on a personal project... that's going to take up some of my time from now on. I have my personal life to take care of, my job and you know just taking a nap from time to time.
My mouse broke, i don't have any money left but at least spring is here. I will probably start falling in love again.. yey :). At least now i know what to look for so i won't get hurt by a "bad girl".
It's the first of march. It's a local holiday here for all the girls.... so Happy Birthday and the best to all the girls and/or women that i know and/or don't know.
I recently joined Anonymous and i offered my knowledge to them. This is why i started making a few videos with scientology members. This is the famous Tom Cruise video which started the move.
* I will only show facial emotions... i will do another video with his body movement.
1) 00:01:18 / disgust in lower face - slightly contempt /
2) 00:01:34 / slight anger, maybe he is trying to conceal it /
3) 00:01:41 / conceal happiness. he is amused about something and is trying to conceal it with his hand. it's a happiness expression made with the whole face. also he is looking down and to his right which mean that he is remembering a feeling. /
4) 00:03:03 / micro expression of disgust. it's actually such a brief expresion that i can't make a gif to show you. if you want to see it start 1 second before the time and start looking for it until one second after this time. / * there is one more at 00:02:27. the same micro expression it last only 600 microseconds.
5) 00:03:56 / contempt smile - asymmetric smile /
6) 00:04:24 / first of all that is not a smile it's actually a scorn. it's so well concealed you have to be very careful to see it. /
A few things that you have to take into consideration. First he is an actor... and a famous one although talent is something subjective. Even so he is trained to act... that means to fake emotions. And he is pretty good at it. This is probably the reason why I've seen only micro expressions. About the micro expression it's still a pretty bad video so the quality of my analysis is somewhat questionable. I would like to hear your opinion.
This is the first post i will do about this video. There is a lot of body movement and i would like to try to do a transcript analysis.... taking out all the bable and it will be interesting to see what we end up with.
I'm going to show you how to spot emotions on some politicians. I already analyzed a few videos with president Obama but i just found a little video with Marco Rubio
He is almost 40 so there no chance that he has permanent wrinkles that may trick us in detecting emotions.
1) 00:00:43 / contempt - his smile is only on one part - it's a very brief expression of confidence
2) 00:01:00 - 3 seconds / he is liking his lips like a viper spitting poison. this is in general a sign that he is nervous /
3) 00:01:10 / ya.... he doesn't believe a word he is saying. it's a classic manipulator. /
4) 00:01:12 / disgust, also a sign of contempt... maybe he knows that he is lying /
5) 00:01:22 - 3 seconds / he is very nervous. in course of 3 seconds he swallows a nod in his through and licks his lips twice. he is either lying or is extremely nervous for saying such things/
It's a 26 minutes videos which i will come back to after i will finish the other unfinished posts.
I'm working on a big project in my spare time so i'm going to tend to this blog mainly in the weekend. I would appreciate any help that you are willing to give me. A new mouse would be helpful to :). My mouse is dying. Anyways.. just help me out... if you have videos where you want to know what the person is feeling just send a link or post a comment on any entry that i make and i will get to it ASAP.
I recently got interested about Project Chanology and i promise to start making videos about scientologist which is very cool because they're such bad lairs despite what you would think.
This is the first video i was asked to view:
and here is the result:
1) 00:00:11 / contempt - asymmetrical smile /
2) 00:00:23 / looking down and to his left - this is the direction of someone eyes as they "talk to themselves". /
Continuing with this video analysis of a Chinese being interview i'm doing a indian. Again i have absolutely no idea what this guy is saying but you will see the same emotions and body language as everybody else.
The video:
1) ~ 00:00:24 / he starts the interview with his hands crossed. in this case it's a comforting gesture he feels safe that way to the upcoming interview /
2) 00:00:40 / looking down and to the right meaning he is experiencing some feelings when talking. a transcript would be nice :) /
3) 00:00:45 / looking up and to the right - visual construction /
4) ~ 00:00:57 / starting being a little bit more happy and confident about what he is saying / * a few seconds later he crosses his fingers and places them on his knees. crossed fingers represent one of the most confident body movement that i know of.
5) 00:01:22 / slight angry - the brows are lowered and drawn together; vertical lines appear between the brows; the lower lid is tense/ *it's not a full expression of anger and i'm not sure that he is really angry but he is feeling something important(it can be that the expression is of concentration)
6) 00:01:32 - 4 seconds / he takes two deep breath of air and blinks rapidly. he isn't confident or it's something very important to him/ * you can't see the first deep breath but if you look at the video it's a few seconds before this scene starts
7) 00:02:11 - 3 seconds / a very good example of micro expressions. he changes from anger to happiness in just a seconds. you have to watch very carefully to see what i'm talking about /
You should have seen it coming. This is what i'm trying to make people learn. It's a video of Mell Gibson taking an interview and at the end he calls the reporter and a**hole. It has some clear indication that he doesn't like what he is being asked. Well you can figure it out just by simply basic deduction but it's nice to see some visual representation of an annoyed person.
This is the video:
1) 00:00:00 - 2 seconds / He slightly brings his face forward. First of all i don't think that there's a problem with his hearing(only in two occasion he does this... in the rest his hearing is fine) and neither with the equipment so this has to be a very important question or interview for him.
2) 00:00:18 - 3 seconds / He rubs his nose which is a classical calming gesture. He is reassuring himself that everything is ok. /
3) 00:00:29 / the same as 1) point... he over emphasize hearing what the interviewer is saying /
4) 00:00:40 / concealed fear expressions - you can see the smile that no problem but it's not a true smile it's hiding a fear expression. you can see the expression in the upper face. the brows are drawn together and raise, the wrinkles on the forehead are in the center. /
5) 00:00:46 / visual remember - eyes pointing on his upper left - he remembering the drinking problem /
6) 00:00:46 - 2-3 seconds / a long scorn - made by his nose - it's a gesture that you make when you don't like something.. similar to disgust /
7) 00:00:53 / he leans forward trying to be in the reported face or trying to be more to his leaved to explain very carefully that the drinking problem happened almost 5 years ago /
8) 00:01:03 - 2 seconds / he takes a coffee cup and crosses his legs; it's a clear sign that he is trying to protect himself from the reporter /
9) 00:01:10 / disgust in his lower face . the lower lip is raised and pushed up to the upper lip /
The last think that he does is drink from his coffee while the report is saying something good about Mell. It's a impolite gesture but you kind of get by know that he isn't taking very good to the inappropriate question asked by the reported. In the conclusion you should of seen it coming. celebrities
Sorry.. i don't have time to post video. I can't find any that will show emotions clearly. I will probably make a stock this weekend and post for the days that i missed. I'm reading a lot of books now so a few of my time goes on those. Hopefully i will clear my schedule very soon.
It's a very short part of this video in which we can see some interesting emotions and body language from president Obama. I wasn't able to find all the video but i think there are enough to make a decent post.
Here is the video:
1) 00:00:12 / it's very important that he see's who is asking the question /
2) 00:00:20 - 2 seconds / he closes his eyes a little to long... he is bored :) /
3) 00:00:29 / he is looking down upon the person who is asking the question / TRANSCRIPT* and unfortunately i believe the budget was ignored.
4) 00:00:31 / he tilt his head to one side. it's kind of like when you listen to a child saying something that you know it's a joke or something inapropiat/
5) 00:00:39 / a polite smile to "under democrat" /
6) 00:00:52 / anger showed by narrowing the lips / TRANSCRIPT*You tripled the national dept over the next 10 years.
7) 00:00:53 / downwards left gaze of the eyes. You can understand what it means from here /
And there more but you can find them by yourself. It's very hard to find so much emotions or inner fight because they're basically payed to do this. That you The Young Turks for this nice video.